Pakistan being a peace-loving country has always tried to promote regional peace and stability. The entire world recognizes that the law enforcing agencies of Pakistan have rendered unmatched sacrifices in the war against terror. The terrorists are targeting all the segments of Pakistani society and the country has suffered heavy life and economic losses as a result of this so-called war on terror. For all these sincere services and honest devotion, Pakistan must not have been rewarded in form of The Wikileaks revelations.
It is still an ambiguity why was the ‘innocent’ Julian Assange pushed behind the bars. According to the details he has been arrested for the alleged rape and molestation of two women though he has been denying the charges since the day first. According to The News-Worthy Info, a lawyer for the two Swedish women who are accusing Assange for molesting and raping them said that the charges are in no way politically motivated and that “the women are angry at that suggestion”. Claes Borgstrom the attorney said, “They were attacked by Mr. Assange and then they are treated like perpetrators themselves. He has molested them and then sacrificed them for his own interests”. Mr. Assange, a 39-year-old Australian, was arrested in London last week accused of four sexual assaults, including one charge of rape on the women in Stockholm in August. He has denied the charges, insisting the sex with the women was consensual. Christine Assange, his mother has a different opinion regarding the arrest of her son. Talking to the media-men in Melbourne she said, “my son is facing massive forces who have decided to stop him violating all rules and regulations.’ The Wikileaks organizers also express the same point of view. They say that the rape charges against Mr. Assange are in fact baseless allegations levied upon him as a reaction of the Wikileaks breaking revelations.
Julian Assange is a rapist or a criminal; the reality would come to the surface later or sooner but presently one thing is very much clear that he has been framed and fixed, exploited and misused by the CIA and ultimately discarded like a disposable razor. Rape is not a very serious type of crime in the western countries. Most of the time the incident portrayed as rape proves a consensual relationship at some later stage. An important point to be noted is that one of these alleged rape incidents occurred somewhere in the last August. Julian Assange remained at large for more than three months and arrested after the issuance of his recent Wikileaks Cables. The US government is running after him just to give the world a misguiding impression that USA has no underhand relationship with him.
Whatever Julian Assange did was purely an action directed and supported by the US government. The sole aim was to create misunderstanding and a state of havoc in the Asian countries particularly in the Muslim world through the Wikileaks Cables. Apart from few leaks on North Korea, Israel and UK the focus remained on Middle East, UAE, and Pakistan. There was nothing disadvantageous to US interests in the recently revealed Wikileaks. It would not be a misjudgment if we call the Wikileaks revelations an attempt to demoralize and suppress the people of Pakistan. From the president of Pakistan to the leaders of religious parties and politicians and from the Army Chief to the ISI Chief, no one has been spared. After going through the Wikileaks, it seems that there is not even a single honest person in Pakistan. This all is nothing but a part of the routine partial and prejudiced propaganda campaign against Pakistan.
The US authorities have always been very sincere and eager in wagging such type of propaganda war against Pakistan; every time a different tool is employed. Sometimes it is some Indian journalist and sometimes a spokesman of UNO. Moreover different western media men are also exploited at the time of need but they all meet the same fate as that of Julian Assange. ‘Love and Leave’ is the actual philosophy which runs the US policies throughout the world. The USA is in a habit of changing friends with the changing weathers. Pakistan has also fallen a prey to the same strategy. The history of Pak-US relationship is replete with misunderstandings and disagreements. Unfortunately the US administration has never tried sincerely to find out the root causes of these misunderstandings and disagreements. Despite of a very long companionship with Pakistan, the USA never succeeded in winning the hearts of the people of Pakistan. The people of Pakistan are of the opinion that America has always been exploiting this self-styled relationship for its own specified purposes. The recent Wikileaks cables are the worst example of this exploitation. It is something unbelievable that a country having an exemplary control and command system guarded by the CIA, no doubt one of the best intelligence agencies of the world, fails to keep a vigilant eye on Julian Assange type of hackers. Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor, is very much true in asking, ‘why was Julian Assange not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?’ It is very much obvious that Julian Assange could have never tried to distort the image of countries like Pakistan if he were not given a free hand by the US government. Whatever it is unintentional negligence or willing blindness of the US government, the Wikileaks revelations shall prove a serious setback regarding the Pak-US relationship.
The writer is a Pakistan based analyst on defence and strategic affair