The Indus Motor Company (IMC) has reduced the prices of Daihatsu Cuore and Toyota Corolla Sedan. The reduction ranges between Rs 15,000 to Rs 40,000 per vehicle, said a statement of IMC on Wednesday.
It may be recalled that the auto industry and the government of Pakistan have been in dialogue over car prices for some time. Weakening of the economic environment in the post floods scenario and strengthening of yen adversely affected the business profitability for the company to consider any price reduction earlier. Daily Times
The company’s spokes-person added that over the last several months IMC has made major capital investments amounting Rs 2 billion in the Phase 2 of Press Shop project and also in the engine assembly and testing facilities. These projects are now reaching implementation and start up stage that enables the company to pass the benefits of enhanced localisation and assembly to our valued customers, accruing from these projects.
The price reduction will be valid on all orders, received after December 29, 2010 (Wednesday). The new selling price of the popular Corolla XLI will be Rs 1,337,000 down from Rs 1,354,000 and the new price of GLI will be Rs 1,462,000 from the previous price of Rs 1,479,000. The Altis MT (including sunroof variant) price will be reduced by Rs 35,000, Altis AT (including sunroof variant) will be reduced by Rs 40,000. Daihatsu Cuore’s prices will be reduced by Rs 15,000 across the range of vehicles.