Dial *786# from your mobile phone and select “Create New PIN”.
Monthly archives for July, 2011
What is my PIN?
After the account creation, the customer would be asked to create a secret 5-digit numeric PIN code for his Easypaisa Mobile Account. Similar to an ATM PIN code, this secret PIN code will be used to authorize all transactions from the Easypaisa Mobile Account. Without this PIN code, no transactions will be possible. It is […]
What is my Easypaisa Account Number?
For transactional security purposes and to minimize errors, the system will generate a 12-digit Easypaisa Mobile Account number (the customer’s Telenor number plus 1 random check digit) at the time of account opening. For example, if the mobile phone number is 0345-8501100, the Easypaisa Mobile Account number generated could be 0345-8501100-3 where the last digit […]
Can I have more than one Mobile Accou...
As per State Bank of Pakistan rules, there can be only one Mobile Account per Customer. The Mobile Account will only be associated with one Telenor Mobile Phone Number. However, you can transfer your mobile account to another mobile phone number provided that the new mobile phone number is in your ownership.
What if the subscriber does not own a...
In that case, the customer can either MNP into Telenor pre-paid or post-paid services or buy a new Telenor connection, either pre-paid or post-paid. In both the cases, the Easypaisa mobile account will only be opened once the subscriber record is successfully updated with relevant ownership details in the Telenor systems.