Here are some good tips on how to use Google+ Network, shared by the GooglePlus Community.
If you want to send a private message to someone, just use “+SomeonesName” before your message, like “+John Doe Hey! How have you been?” You can also have a private conversation that way with more than one person without having to create a temporary Circle.
If you select a Circle on the left side of the screen, below the Stream link, that will be the default Circle for the messages you write next.
You can reply to comments and other events right from the notification bar on the top right (click the red square with a number). You can also view a list of recent stuff on the Notifications view (link to the left, under your Stream and Circles).
The Incoming view shows what people that follow you are sharing with you, even if you don’t follow them back.
If you want to share something to someone who does not have a Google+ account, you can type “+***** Some Message or Link”, and G+ will e-mail it to them through your attached GMail account.
Hashtags have no value here (yet).
Use Sparks to get news about the stuff you’re into. Add keywords and let Google fetch the latest news for you.
The Circles/People bar that appears under the Post field (where you select the circles and people to share with) accepts auto-complete for Circles, names, e-mails and even number of people in a group – for example, if you have a complete soccer team in a circle (11 people), you can type “11” to find it.