To provide a center for continuing education, information, enjoyment and positive use of leisure, the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan has decided to convert its existing Central Secretariat Library, located at Block 12-A, Markaz G-8, Islamabad into a public library for the residents of Islamabad by the name of Islamabad Public Library w.e.f. 1st July 1996. This Library has a collection of 34,000 Books. To regulate the use of Library facilities following rules are notified for information of the general public:-
- These rules may be cited as the Islamabad Public Library rules hereafter called the Library.
- “Books” includes any library material i.e. manuscripts, typescripts, books, newspapers, periodicals and all type of microforms.
- “Director General” means the Director General of Department of Libraries.
- “Library Authority” means the Director General or any other officer authorized by him as such to act on his behalf.
- The “Senior Librarian” means the person appointed as such or any other person employed by the Government for the purpose of its functions.
- “Library Property” means any piece of land, building, furniture and fixture, office and library equipment, library material, vehicles, or any other article acquired and owned by the library.
- “Member” means a person who holds an unexpired Member’s Card issued by the Library.
- Member’s Card” means a card issued to a person upon registration.
- “Reader” means a person who desires to refer to or use the library material for a short duration.
- “Reader’s Ticket” means a temporary ticket issued to a reader for use of the Library.
- “Borrower’s Ticket” means ticket entitling member to borrow reading material from the Library.
- The Library will observe timings as notified from time to time.
- The Library Authority may change the library hours, if circumstances call for such an action.
- The Library will remain closed on days as notified from time to time.
- Subject to the completion and signing of the appropriate Registration Form and upon payment of Security Fee of Rs.500/- a person may be registered as a Member of the Library and Member’s Card/Borrower’s Ticket may be issued to him.
- Any citizen of Pakistan residing in Islamabad is entitled to become member of Library subject to establishment of identity.
- Citizens of foreign countries who can show adequate proof that they live or work in Islamabad may also become member of the Library.
- Only college and university students will be granted membership on the recommendation of the heads of their institutions. They should apply on prescribed form.
- Government servants and Senior citizens shall be exempted from payment of Security fee.
- Member’s Card or Borrower’s ticket shall not be transferable and any change of address shall be notified immediately to the Senior Librarian. Members shall be responsible for any misuse of his/her card or ticket.
- Member’s Card and Borrower’s Ticket shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue unless previously surrendered or canceled.
- The loss of Member’s Card or Borrower’s Ticket shall be reported immediately and may be replaced one week after the date of notification of the loss thereof and on payment of such fee as may be determined by the Library Authority.
- At the end of each year from the date of registration, every member shall be required to renew membership on surrendering the Member’s Card and Borrower’s Ticket.
- Those failing to renew member ship and who do not inform the Library within one month of expiration of such period shall be deemed to have ceased membership.
- A member upon resignation from the Library shall return Member’s Card/ Borrower’s Ticket to the Senior Librarian for cancellation.
- Readers are allowed to select books from the Stacks. However, they are requested not to disturb arrangement of material on shelves.
- Silence must be observed in the Library.
- Readers shall not behave in a disorderly manner in the Library.
- No reader shall remain in the Library after the time fixed for its closing.
- Refreshments and eatables are not allowed in the public areas of Library.
- No person shall bring any kind of firearms and animals in the Library.
- Any change in the address of the borrower must be intimated to the Library immediately.