Q: How do I bid?
A: By sending you bid amount in an SMS to 3000. Please remember that your bid must be in paisas. For example if you wish to bid Rs 3.21 please send 321 as your bid amount.
Q: How many bids can I send in?
A: As many as you like as there is no limit on the number of bids per person.
Q: Who wins an auction?
A: The person who at the close of the auction has the lowest unique bid wins the auction and is entitled to buy the item at their bid amount.
Q: How do I purchase the item if I win an auction?
A: Contact your nearest Warid Business Center.
Q: What if at the end of an auction there are no unique bids?
A: In that case the person who placed the first bid in the winner.
Q: How much does each bid cost me?
A: Each SMS you send to 3000 costs you Rs. 3 plus tax.
Q: What is a Reverse Auction?
A: In this auction, the person who sends in the lowest unique bid wins the auction.
Source: www.waridtel.com