What messaging services can I log into?
The service supports all popular messaging clients.
Does the service require a GPRS connection?
The service does not require an internet connection on your phone.
How will I get charged?
The user will get charged for logging in and out of you the application and sending messages to his friends. The messages sent by your friends to you are not charged.
How do I log off?
To log out the user must send OFF to 1126. The user is automatically logged out after 24 hours.
Do I need to have an account to login? Or can I create my account through the service?
The user needs to have an already made email account before they can login. You cannot create your account through the service.
How do I save my account?
When the user logs in to any unsaved account they will be given the option to save it
How do I talk to my friends?
When the user logs into the service the system will send them a list of their online friends. From this list the user can choose which friend they wish to talk with. After a connection with that friend is established the user can talk to him by simply replying to his messages.
How do I change my password?
The user cannot change their IM password from within the service. If they change the password outside the service they will be given the option to change their saved password.
How do I log into all my saved accounts?
To login to all saved account the user should send ON to 1126.
How do I view/remove my saved account(s)?
The user can view all their saved accounts by sending ACC command to 1126. If you wish to remove saved accounts they should send REMOVE <EmailAddress> to 1126
How do I login to my IM over SMS?
To login to the IM Over SMS application a user must send <EmailAddress><space><EmailPassword> to the defined short code. After logging in the user will be able sent a list of his online friends with whom he can talk via SMS.